1st International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism (ICOSEAT) 2022
Dear Colleagues
We cordially invite you to participate in The International
Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture, and Tourism (ICOSEAT). The
conference will be held on July 21-23, 2022.
ICOSEAT 2022 receives manuscripts of original research,
systematic reviews, and case reports. The conference will take the theme
“Agroindustry 4.0, Tourism and Supportive Government for Sustainable
Development” with five sub-themes:
(1) Agro-Industry and Appropriate Technology 4.0;
(2) Environmental and Mining Engineering;
(3) Sustainable Development and Tourism Management;
(4) Agriculture and Food Engineering; and
(5) Marine, Aquaculture, and Biological Science.
The accepted and presented papers will be subjected to peer
review by scientific committee and will be published in proceedings that are
indexed by Scopus (IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science) and
other publication (Journal Agritech)
The Keynote Speakers of ICOSEAT 2022:
1. Dr. Sandiaga
Salahuddin Uno (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia)
Plenary Speakers of ICOSEAT 2022:
1. Mulkan S.H.,
M.H. (Regent of Bangka Regency)
2. Dr. Ibrahim
(Rector of Universitas Bangka Belitung)
3. Prof. Dr.
Lilik Sutiarso (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Invited Speakers of ICOSEAT 2022:
1. Agustin Arry
Yanna, SS, MA (Ministry of National Development Planning, Republic of
2. Prof. Amy
Kaleita, Ph.D (Iowa State University)
3. Prof. Naoto
Matsue (Ehime University, Japan)
4. Prof. Jik
Chang Leong (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)
5. Prof. Dr. Kim
Yong Hyeon (President of The Korean Society Korean Agriculture Machinery
6. Prof. Dr. Ir.
Hermanto Siregar, M.Ec (IPB University)
7. Prof. Mudrajad
Kuncoro, Ph.D (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
8. Dr. Rebecca
Clare Hood (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria)
9. Dr. Marc Van
Loo (Safe Water Garden Pte Ltd, Singapore)
10. Dr. Chaleeda
Borompichaichartkul (Chulanglongkom University, Thailand)
11. Drs. Sumedi
Andono Mulyo, MA, Ph.D (Ministry of National Development Planning, Republic of
12. Dr. Peter
Strauss (Federal Agency for Water Management, Austria)
13. Dr. Irwan (Bangka
Belitung State Polytechnic of Manufacture, Indonesia)
14. I Made Andik
Setiawan, Ph.D (Bangka Belitung State Polythecnic of Manufacture, Indonesia)
15. Dr. Dwi
Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.TP, M.Sc (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
16. Riwan Kusmiadi,
S.TP., M.Si (Universitas Bangka Belitung)
Abstract and Fullpaper Submission:
Should you have any inquiries please contact us via email to
Contact Person:
(Chandra Setyawan)
(Gigih Ibnu Prayoga)
We look forward to meeting you in ICOSEAT 2022
The ICOSEAT 2022 Committee